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From testing our coastal waters to ensuring that runoff stays in your garden to reducing plastic pollution, Surfrider South Bay's programs help ensure that our marine ecosystems are protected.


Teach & Test

Surfrider Foundation South Bay's Teach & Test program is a student-centered and volunteer-run water testing, education and advocacy program. A Blue Water Task Force Program, Teach & Test students are empowered to learn authentic science and generate data that can be used to promote community and local government awareness of environmental problems in our own backyards.

For the past 19 years, the data collected has been available to alert the public and officials about water quality problems in their communities and to work toward solutions, including mitigation and remediation strategies. Influencing policy at the local level has a meaningful and lasting impact on our communities.

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Beach Cleanups

A Surfrider Foundation program to tackle the ocean litter issue – primarily caused by plastic pollution – through education for action, community science, and campaigns. We are all part of the solution and together we can restore our coastlines, one beach at a time.

Ocean Friendly Restaurants

The Surfrider Foundation’s Ocean Friendly Restaurants program tackles plastic pollution at its source. One restaurant, one customer at a time, it increases awareness, drives behavior change, and ultimately creates scalable impact to reduce our plastic footprint.

Ocean Friendly Restaurants
Bluffs Restoration Redondo Beach

Ocean Friendly Gardens

Ocean Friendly Gardens (OFG) are a critical component of Surfrider Foundation's mission to combat Climate Change and it's effects, including coastal erosion and loss of habitat for native species. Biodiversity is declining worldwide at an alarming rate and OFG's can provide critical spaces for native plants and their dependent animals, fungi and other organisms to survive.

Rise Above Plstics

Rise Above Plastics is designed to eliminate the impacts of plastics in the marine environment by raising awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution and by advocating for a reduction of single-use plastics and the recycling of all plastics.

Ocean Friendly Restaurants

Our Campaigns

Rise Above Plastics
Ongoing Campaign

Rise Above Plastics

Rise Above Plastics is designed to eliminate the impacts of plastics in the marine environment by raising awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution and by advocating for a reduction of single-use plastics and the recycling of all plastics. The South Bay Chapter has been working hard for years to push through legislation to stop single use plastics from reaching our streets and oceans.